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[20:42] <ChainedLupine> "Penis Cakes" ended up being pretty fun.
[20:43] <PoV|Worky> I can't help but feel pain imagining what that could be
[20:45] <hamumu> would quoting that single line be appropriate at code dojo, or is it just shooting fish in a barrel?
[20:45] <Devlin> fish, meet barrel.
[20:45] <Six> reminds me of "Penis Tennis", which people used to play back at the private school I went to
[20:45] <Devlin> DO IT ANYWAY
[20:45] <hamumu> I'm glad they kept that school private

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These quotes were submitted by the #ludumdare IRC community, mostly between 2000 and 2010. We've all matured since then. RIGHT?!

Rating and adding new quotes is currently broken, probably for the best.