Quote #476 (1) (0) Add Random Best Worst Newest All

<PoV> yeah, I'm going to hit the grocery store ... because it's open 24 hours and I want to get out of the house.
<PoV> I don't really need anything, but I feel I should go.
<hamumu> cheddar flavor yakisoba!
<PoV> I think I may have 3 cheese.
<PoV> Even better, I have 4 cheese Yakisoba
<hamumu> FOUR CHEESE!
<hamumu> we've never had more than 1!
<PoV> We live like Kings up here in Canada.

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These quotes were submitted by the #ludumdare IRC community, mostly between 2000 and 2010. We've all matured since then. RIGHT?!

Rating and adding new quotes is currently broken, probably for the best.