Quote #38 (17) (-1) Add Random Best Worst Newest All

<mark> guy that has laughingdragon.com doesn't want to sell it except for an "offer that he can't refuse"
<hamumu> then you should offer him the ability to exist... I don't think there's any way to refuse that
<mark> hehe
<hamumu> or "I offer you a situation wherein if you refuse my offer, you are accepting it."
<mark> ah - that's good
<mark> however, I think he means lots and lots of money
<hamumu> I don't know, I think it's more likely that he's looking for some sort of logical conundrum

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These quotes were submitted by the #ludumdare IRC community, mostly between 2000 and 2010. We've all matured since then. RIGHT?!

Rating and adding new quotes is currently broken, probably for the best.