<madgarden_> Zit's Zone Zam
<madgarden_> Zetting zate
<PoV> Zoo Zetta Zo
<madgarden_> Z Zhould
<PoV> Zes
<PoV> Zoh Zell
<madgarden_> Zotta zet zp zomorrow zor zork
<PoV> Zaa zes. Zork.
<madgarden_> zit zucks Z(
<matrin> wait a sec, let me whip out my PreposterousLanguageTraslator
<PoV> Zaye.
<PoV> Zoe Zwell. Zotta zakes zome zoney.
<PoV> Zay zor za zwitch zo zame zaking zoney zaking zempire.
<madgarden_> Zea, zo Z zan zuy ziapers.
<madgarden_> Zus!
<PoV> Zes, zee zmell ziz zuuurrrghhh
<PoV> Zetter zoo zave zeme zontained
<madgarden_> Zhiz ziz zore zun zhan zit zought zo ze.
<PoV> zwee!
<madgarden_> ZOL!!
<PoV> zazazaza!
<PoV> Zut zo!
<madgarden_> Ztop zit! Z zan't ztop ziggling
<matrin> this is way hard to follow:P
<PoV> Zeezeezee!
<madgarden_> Zezeze.
<PoV> Zaaazazaza!
<matrin> zou zuys zeak ze zou
<PoV> I'm sorry, what?
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These quotes were submitted by the #ludumdare IRC community, mostly between 2000 and 2010. We've all matured since then. RIGHT?!
Rating and adding new quotes is currently broken, probably for the best.