<@hamumu> or like Jesus, you were meant to be nailed to things
<@SethR> a carpenter that got nailed. haha.
<@hamumu> it helps to get hammered first
<@hamumu> imagine if Jesus had been a butcher
<@hamumu> Christians going around wearing the bloody cleaver around their neck
<@hamumu> and communion, you eat actual chunks of beef
<@hamumu> "this is my body, given for you"
<@SethR> if he'd been a gynecologist I wonder what you'd wear and eat
<@hamumu> *I* wonder how he would've died
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These quotes were submitted by the #ludumdare IRC community, mostly between 2000 and 2010. We've all matured since then. RIGHT?!
Rating and adding new quotes is currently broken, probably for the best.