What is Toolfish? It’s my tiny tray app for power users that runs in the background while you’re using your Windows machine.
I’ve used this app EVERY DAY for the last 10 years and the first thing I do after buying a new computer is move my Toolfish setup to it!
It allows you to stack “Triggers” that cause “Actions“, which can also be stacked. For instance, a trigger could be “if Ctrl-Alt-L” is down, and a certain app name is in focus, run some Actions.
Actions could be could be things like running programs, faking keystrokes, reading text out-loud via text to speech, sending an email, lots of things.
It also has other built in features like Leet-Type (NEVER USE THIS!), neat stats like how many miles you’ve moved your mouse, Smart Muting your computer if inactive, letting you know if a Webpage has changed by more than a certain percent, or a certain word exists or is missing on a website, stuff like that. All in a tiny 1.3 MB download!
I used to use it to run Funeral Quest if it noticed it wasn’t running… helped with crashes!
It comes with a few nice hotkeys like Ctrl-Shift-G to open a browser, Ctrl-Shift-Alt-I to paste your *true* IP address, stuff like that.
It can also Monitor if a website is down, Shutdown or reboot your computer, just tons of weird stuff.
It also has a Stealth Mode to hide the tray icon – combined with the key stroke logger, this app could be used for evil, so don’t use it that way please!
It has “Event Wizards” that let you do things like “Remind me in 5 minutes” in just a few clicks.
Some features like email checking and atomic clock adjustments are less useful these days than when I wrote them (back in the Windows 98/2000 era) so I’d ignore those features.
Anyway, this is a $10 app that is now free, so give it a shot. I’ll keep adding little tools and utilities to it, I did add one new action for this release: “Set Microphone level“.
Big thanks to those who bought this over the last ten years!
You can read more about it here, or just go ahead and download the full version like you know you want to here for Vista/Win7/Newer. For Win XP, try the older version.
My plan is to continue releasing more of my stuff as free as I get time to do it.