What I’ve been up to
Working on Growtopia mostly. Despite Growtopia being nearly two years old now it has just had its most profitable month!
Some stats:
Total user accounts: 5.6 million
Total worlds created: 95 million
Daily unique users: 337,000
Daily hours played: 550,000
Daily peak concurrent users: ~40,000
Sadly, that’s pretty much all I’ve been up to
As a self employed developer I’ve learned that when something does well, you focus on it and ride the money train while you can because it won’t last. You bank the extra to tide you over when things get slow. Success dictates where you spend time because you’d be a big idiot not to. Something like that.
This is why I worked on Legend Of The Dragon (off and on) for seven years. As the BBS era came to a close, so did my updates.
Maintaining Growtopia is now less about programming/creating for me and more about isolating problems, fixing bugs, monitoring servers, answering the hardest support questions, scanning logs, putting out fires, figuring out why we’re having dropped packets, which incidentally, we are currently having an issue with. Maybe a bad router, man I hate when it’s hardware.
Can I do this and still have the “emotional energy” to make something new (part time)? To actually program again? Hmm.