Our old RPG Dink Smallwood has been free for quite a while, but today I present you with a free full “HD” version for Windows.

Yep, that's Dink being spread across two monitors. What? It's fun for a minute or two. Hold shift while dragging a border to allow incorrect aspect ratios like this.
It’s basically identical to the iOS/Android mobile versions minus the touch controls. It’s the same code, which is built on Proton, so it’s a simple matter to dump out Windows builds so I might as well. Thanks to the Dink Network lads and ladies for helping me test this.
Main differences between this and the old one are:
- New GL rendering engine with anti-aliasing and custom screen resizing
- Seamless built-in DMOD download/install/management
- Includes the entire digital audio track from the original CD release
- Hold TAB to speed up the game to skip boring cutscenes/text
- Auto save every 5 minutes (FINALLY!)
- Full state save when quitting, can also save/load anywhere with F1 and F8
- Fixed many memory/file bugs from the original Dink
- Save machine saved games are fully compatible with older versions, just copy the .dat files
- Should work better with newer computers
- Difficulty tweaked, some pop-up help things added to get new players started.
- Natively runs at 32 bit color, now supports alpha channels in images
- New audio system with .ogg support
The bad:
- No gamepad support yet (what? You never used it anyway)
- Probably not 100% compatible with all DMODS (let me know when you find a problem, send me the save game and directions to reproduce the problem and I’ll take a look)
You can download it from here. (45 MB)
All in all, I think it’s easily the best way to experience Dink on a Windows PC now.
Let me know if you have any problems, new versions will just use the same filename.
Awesome! I’ll be passing this around.
It crashed twice, during in-game screen transitions. (I believe it’s something with sound system, cause bg music was changing both times)
Good thing ther’s auto-save thing around. :D
Hey, Seth, is there a list of the songs’ names used in the game?
Hmm.. not really, V1.08’s credit.txt file has some info, and also there some info here.
Thanks, I’ll check that.
Hitting me right in the nostalgia, I remember getting this freebie off a PC world cd way back in the day, keep it up Seth.:)